Why is doubt clearing for NEET and JEE a big Problem?

Doubt Clearing for NEET and JEE is a big problem. Let’s see the issue from the beginning. Teachers are the person who, through the practice of teaching, assists students in acquiring knowledge, competence, or virtue. They are the best when it comes to primary learning. Primary learning means when we learn a new topic or lesson for the first time.

While learning those topics or lessons there are a few parts that are less understood or not completely clear to the students in the classrooms, these parts create gaps in students’ understanding, which are known to be ‘doubts’. So Doubt Clearing for NEET and JEE becomes important from the beginning of Learning process.

To achieve better results, a student needs to clear their doubts. Teachers teach students in large batches and for teachers, it is impossible to focus on each individual student. This is one of the reasons students are unable to clear their doubts as the teacher’s inability to devote adequate time to each student’s doubts and problems. This is the main reason why Doubt Clearing for NEET and JEE is a problem.

The syllabus of NEET and JEE is huge and simultaneously students also have their board exams, this is why teachers are always in a rush to complete the syllabus. A new topic is taught every day, and students get overburdened, in this process, the doubts get buried. Students realize this while solving numerical problems during their exams, and that’s too late for the students.

There are even various reasons why students are unable to do doubt clearing for NEET and JEE from teachers –

Hesitation to ask the doubts –

Students generally avoid asking their questions because they are shy/bashful or hesitant. Furthermore, they believe that by asking questions, they will be interrupting their teacher, while explaining a concept to the class.

Sometimes students think that by asking a question in class he/she might give the impression that he/ she is lesser than fellow students. So, doubt clearing for NEET and JEE becomes an obvious problem here.

Not paying attention in class –

When a teacher is teaching in class, the students do not pay attention and thus have no idea about their doubts. One of the most common issues with students is not knowing what their doubts are; because they could not pay attention to their teachers for some reason therefore they have no idea what was taught and are unable to identify their doubts about the concepts.

What happens to them when they don’t clear their doubts at the right time?

They will realize the consequences of not asking their teachers questions during exams when they will be unable to learn and remember the concepts because they did not understand them properly. Lack of clarity in concepts will be a barrier throughout the chapter. In exams, not understanding even a basic formula can make a simple question appear difficult.

You may have noticed that a student who is not good at mathematics will always avoid any mathematical question or will become nervous when asked one. This is due to a lack of knowledge in mathematics and a failure to clear their doubts in order to improve in mathematics.

What is the best cure for this problem?

The best cure would be to prepare smartly for NEET and JEE. One of the toughest jobs would be to find out the doubts of the student, and the best process for it is Test-Study-Test.

After coming back from school and coaching it’s best for students to study topics that they have learned on that day. Making this a habit will help them clear their doubts.

Luckily a system is available that does exactly the same.

Attempt tests in the EduClears system from those chapters that they learned in school and coaching today. It is the first step to Doubt Clearing for NEET and JEE.

The system instantly shows the results of the test. The result is minute, it clearly shows the student exactly what he/she has understood. The system even shows small parts from a chapter that would require extra focus. All this is possible with the help of EduClears Ai-based system for NEET and JEE preparation.

Once students know their lacuna, they can study it either from the EduClears system or from the textbooks. After preparing they again need to attempt the test. In this way, they filter out doubts and are prepared well in advance before the exam.

There is a lot more that the EduClears platform offers NEET JEE students, to know more about the beneficial features of EduClears kindly give us a call at 98315-09000 | 98313-02701 or visit us at www.EduClears.com


Also Read: Do you feel like Quitting during the NEET and JEE Preparation?

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Do you require a private teacher for NEET and JEE preparation even after going to coaching institutes?

Everyone would tell you that preparing for NEET and JEE is not easy, and it is the truth. More than 15 Lakh students appear for NEET and JEE every year, and only about 4% of them get in.

Many students and parents think securing high ranks in NEET and JEE would be easier if there was a private tuition teacher after learning at the coaching institutes. The private teacher would help the student with clearing doubts, doubts that have built up after learning at the coaching institutes and school.

Think about it. Do you think this could even be a solution for NEET and JEE?

The answer to this will be No, this can never be a solution.

The syllabus for NEET and JEE is huge, there are lots of equations, numerals, laws, principles, and concepts. It takes two years to have a grasp on it. Do you think it is even humanly possible to find out where the gaps and lacunas are?

There is one more thing that happens with the students, and that is learning and forgetting, over time and learning new lessons students tend to forget what they learned earlier. Do you think it is possible for any teacher to find out which specific part from the syllabus, the student has forgotten?

What can be done to make up for NEET and JEE?

Firstly let’s understand a situation, a regular student preparing for NEET and JEE goes to school, and then they have to go to their coaching institutes and after that private tuition. In this hectic schedule, students don’t get time for self-study.

Do you think it is possible for a student to secure a high rank in NEET and JEE without self-study?

The best possible way could be Learn – Test – Learn. How to do it?

Many companies have been working to find a practical solution to this problem. Finally, EduClears Ai-based platform has the break though for the NEET and JEE preparations. EduClears’ preparation method is unique and at the same time, it’s logical. It is also remedial.

After coming back from school and coaching students start using the EduClears system and attempt tests to find their doubts.

The system instantly shows the results of the test and clearly shows the student exactly what he/she has understood and areas he/she has doubts. All this is possible with the help of EduClears Ai-based system for NEET and JEE preparation.

This is so unique. Have you ever heard of something like this? 

The system has a lot more to offer than this. The system has all the laws, principles, and equations in the system. It acts as a directory you can access them anytime. 

Which one do you think would be easier as well as more convenient, searching for the concepts in the big fat books and waiting for your teacher to sort your doubts or clear your doubts instantly? It is a life-saving solution brought to you by EduClears Ai-based system for NEET and JEE preparation.

As earlier stated that learning and forgetting are common phenomena, and it is impossible for a human teacher to track down exactly which earlier learned topics the student lacks. EduClears Ai backed system tracks the forgetting pattern of the student and suggests topics that need to be tested and studied once again. All this is done with the help of the Iteration technology of the EduClears system. It continuously tracks the activity of a user and suggests you a priority of study in a tabular format, topics at the top needs immediate focus.

The Mock Test feature of EduClears is different from others, here Mock Tests are a complete simulation of NEET and JEE exams. It is also adaptive, the difficulty level of the tests increases with the progress of the student. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

This is the best guide instead of a human teacher for finding hidden doubts and clearing them on the fly. Firstly, finding a knowledgeable teacher is finding a needle in a haystack; on top of that how many doubts can a teacher address in hour-long tutoring? Secondly, due to lack of time students are unable to clear their doubts. Lastly, as they are unable to clear their doubts it creates a burden on them, and that is the reason my students are unable to secure high ranks.

Most importantly the platform is available 24*7*365 for help; you can use it anytime and from anywhere.

Here is the website of EduClears, interested aspirants may reach out to them.


Read Next Blog: Why is doubt clearing for NEET and JEE a big Problem?

Also Read: Do you feel like Quitting during the NEET and JEE Preparation?

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Smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE | How much time does it take to prepare for NEET and JEE?

We all know that NEET and JEE preparation is challenging, and we also know that you are not less than anyone else and you can do it. Students often ask how much time does it take to prepare? Here is the Smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE.

Cracking NEET, JEE Mains and Advanced does not happen in a matter of days or months; it takes consistent effort over the course of two years. If a student is focused and diligent in their studies, revising concepts on a daily basis, and answering questions on each topic, they will almost certainly succeed on the first try.

Each and every student is different and understands differently so there are no hard and fast rules regarding study hours; some students need to study for 2 hours, while others study for 4 hours. No one could tell how much time would it take to prepare for NEET and JEE. The most important thing a student should remember is to immerse themselves completely in their studies.

Another deciding factor would be the board exams, as students will equally have to prepare for their boards which would consume quite some time from their daily routine. The boards would take place just 2-3 months before the NEET and JEE exams. That is Smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE is required.

As there will be a lot to study and practice the best way is to find a smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE which would definitely help you save time and the whole process of preparing for NEET and
JEE would be a lot easier.

What is the smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE?

The smart way of preparation for NEET and JEE is of course EduClears Artificial Intelligence aided doubt clearing system.

The solution is to find and fix; first, you must identify specific learning gaps using a test. EduClears Doubt Clearing System does exactly the same.

Second, you must immediately complete the gaps by studying those specific parts. Finally, you must retake the test to determine whether the gaps have been adequately filled. EduClears can assist you in identifying gaps and providing you with self-study materials to fill those gaps which is an integral part of smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE.

One of the most important issues of preparing is learning and forgetting, it is a common occurrence. You can learn through a range of sources, including schools, coaching, and even online platforms. Are you able to grasp or remember everything you learn? Most of the students will say, no. What is the best solution to the problem of learning and forgetting that EduClears has? The Iteration Technology of EduClears is a very smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE which continuously monitors a student like a guide and guides them to the appropriate path which is specific to a particular student.

It identifies areas of your curriculum that are either poorly understood or completely forgotten and suggests to students from time to time what should be their priorities of study.

EduClears also provides periodic reports and representations on various parameters which helps them understand the status of their NEET and JEE preparation. All the activities in the EduClears system are taken into account while preparing this report. While using the EduClears system students go through various types of tests i.e. short tests or mock tests etc. results of which are also included in the infographic report.

The report is represented in such a way that it would even help you focus more on your doubts and helps students to understand how are they performing on a particular topic, chapter, or subject, and the time they spend on each subject.

Seeing this report will give students an additional mental boost, confidence, and clarity of their preparation as the reports are updated in real-time and they will definitely be able to secure high ranks.

Now if you like the EduClears smart way of preparing for NEET and JEE, give us a call at +91-98315-09000, or visit us at www.EduClears.com to know more.

Also Read: Scoring 600 in NEET

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